Russian politician, born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg from October 1, 1991). He graduated in law at the University of Leningrad, where he studied which would be mayor, Anatoly Sobchak. In 1975 Vladimir Putin began his professional life in the direction of foreign intelligence State Security Committee (KGB), in the former USSR, where he reached the rank of lieutenant general. According to his resume, he worked in Germany during the 70s, but it has also been speculated, after being appointed head of the Federal Security Service (FSS), which belonged to the services of internal dissent, the Fifth directory KGB.

On his return from Germany, Putin installed again in Leningrad where he held the post of deputy rector of international relations at the University of this city. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR, Vladimir Putin started to address issues of local politics in his hometown, in the period when he was mayor of Leningrad, Anatoly Sobchak, considered very liberal and a huge then popularity.
In 1990 he was advisor to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council. Immersed in municipal tasks, Vladimir Putin became involved with Anatoli Chubais, the "father" of privatization and head of the Russian economy. Sobchak and Chubais were two very active characters in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the introduction of Putin's policy came at the hands of both.
Between 1991 and 1996 he chaired the Committee for International Relations of the City of St. Petersburg, a position he shared from 1994 with the first Deputy Prime Minister of this city (Deputy Mayor). In 1995 he led the campaign regional party Our Home Russia, which led former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. He also led the campaign for reelection as mayor of St. Petersburg of Sobchak, but resigned after the defeat at the polls of the latter.
After the resignation, Putin moved to Moscow, where he held in the years close to President Boris Yeltsin charges. In a few months he was appointed Deputy Director of the Administrative and Technical Service of the President of the Russian Federation, a position he held during 1996 and 1997; Head of the Directorate General for Inspections of the President and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidency in 1997 and 1998. In that same year was First Deputy Head of the Presidency.
In July 1998 he was appointed Director of the Federal Security Service (FSS), the most important of the four branches in the KGB and heiress of the functions of political police was divided. From March 1999 Putin shared this position with that of Secretary of the Security Council.
On August 9, 1999 Boris Yeltsin appointed Putin prime minister in place of Sergei Stephasin, who had agreed to charge only three months ago. Putin was the third consecutive Prime Minister of the Russian Federation that belonged to the secret services, after Yevgeny Primakov, head of foreign espionage. Sergey Stephasin and Putin are almost exact copies: members of the KGB and later SFS chiefs, the two are St. Petersburg and almost of the same age (46 and 47 years respectively).
Vladimir Putin is considered a stalwart of the Russian president and his loyalty to Yeltsin is absolute. It is one of nine characters of the Kremlin that make up the "Family", referring to the inner circle Yeltsin, including the president's wife and daughter, the head of the presidential administration Alexander Voloshin, former journalist Valentin Yumashev, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Yakushkin, Anatoly Chubais, and financial Boris Berezovsky and Roman Ambramovich.
It qualifies Putin hard and have a dictatorial character that would proclaim him unscrupulous state of emergency by the conflict in the Caucasus. Yeltsin trusted him as the only one capable of dealing with the electoral coalition on August 4 for our country, the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, and the All-Russian regional group, led by the president of Tatarstan, Saimilev, and the new governor of St. Petersburg, Yakovlev. The electoral bloc was submitted to the legislative elections of December 1999 with former Prime Minister Primakov leading the coalition, in a time enjoyed great popularity and his chances of winning were real.
Putin outlined for as the best man to fight the Fatherland-All Russia Our coalition and to eliminate other important electoral rival, the Communist Party. And so it was. The December 19, 1999, Putin won the legislative elections in Russia. But the real coup de This Kremlin strongman was to come. The December 31, 1999, Boris Yeltsin resigned as president of Russia during the year-end speech to the nation, Putin appointed by the outgoing president Boris Yeltsin as his favorite to succeed in the Kremlin, took acting the head of state and the armed forces. The new Russian president said that day before the cameras of the following Russian television: "Today I have assigned the functions of head of state I want to emphasize that for a minute in the country has been and never will be a power vacuum. and the authorities cut the bud any attempt to break the law and the Constitution of Russia. " In March 2000 he legitimized his power at the polls in 2004 and was reelected.
Vladimir Putin has been reluctant to show in public and give interviews, which, coupled with his past as a KGB spy, makes it knows little about it. With large doses of contradictory defense of democracy and freedoms, evident authoritarianism, support to the market economy and the directed and exaltation of nationalist values and military economy, Putin has gotten much of the Russian population in the pocket.
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